The Challenge: Are you thinking, feeling, living in a Mental and Physical state of Health & Wellbeing, or are YOU Struggling to keep up? The right food, at the right time, and in the right quantities can have a dramatic affect on YOU! This week, your goal is to incorporate 2-3 of these items into your Lifestyle, EVERYDAY! That means either Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner, or ALL meals!
Begins: Today, Friday May 13th, 2011
Ends: Friday May 20th, 2011 8AM PST
Ends: Friday May 20th, 2011 8AM PST
Who can Participate: Anyone
The Foods: Avocados, Whey/Isolate protein, Blueberries, Broccoli, Spinach, and Eggs.
The Rules: If you are participating, create a personal Album on Facebook called "90Days2Life Eat-Right Challenge".
1. With your Eat-Right Meal, take a picture of it and post it to your Album.
2. Describe how you utilized the item to maximize your targeted Health goal!
3. Tag the "90Days2Life Food Challenge" Event Page when you do.
4. Work towards the most posts, most likes, and the most Health Conscious & creative use of the items!
5. Bonus points if you loose a pound or two... ;-)
2. Describe how you utilized the item to maximize your targeted Health goal!
3. Tag the "90Days2Life Food Challenge" Event Page when you do.
4. Work towards the most posts, most likes, and the most Health Conscious & creative use of the items!
5. Bonus points if you loose a pound or two... ;-)
Each day, I will also post a recipe that you can follow for Breakfast, Lunch, and/or Dinner; if followed, you may drop a pound or two! Eating doesn't have to be painful or regimented, neither does it have to be bland! Remember, there is such a variety of uses for the above Items, especially when you do a little research! Get creative, make it fun, incorporate your family, and enjoy the experience!
The top Competitors and Eat-Right Challengers will be drawn at the end of the Challenge to win a Gift Card to a Local Salon/Spa .... click here to participate in the Challenge.
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